Your second Saturday just got a little more inspired
Guest blogger Anne Disabato moved to Seattle from Chicago in order to spend more time outdoors (and work for Microsoft). Anne also volunteers with United Way on the Emerging Leaders Marketing Committee. Read on to get the inside story around Second Saturdays.
We believe that all deserve adequate food, housing, and respect ~ North Helpline’s mission statement.
As soon as I read their mission statement I was excited to lead the Emerging Leaders Second Saturday project at their food bank.
The North Helpline staff informed the Emerging Leader team of eight that a United Way grant of $18,750 allows North Helpline to:
- Provide over 900,000 nutritious meals
- Accommodate 800 families who visit the food bank over a year
These families can then use their hard-earned dollars to pay rent and utility bills while they work to get back on their feet, creating families who are financially stable.

Each Emerging Leader was stationed at a different food distribution point in the facility along with North Helpline staff and weekly food bank volunteers. I was stationed near the fresh lettuce and vegetables. By the time the doors opened at 10am, there was already a line around the building. I was struck by the intimate relationship the staff and regular volunteers have with the food bank patrons–I frequently saw staff addressing people by first name or giving an individual a hug when they entered the building.
Even though the event was a bit longer than our usual Second Saturday projects, all the volunteers commented on how quickly the morning went by. I look forward to leading another project at North Helpline in the future!