What does #SeattleHeart mean to Gordon McHenry, Jr.?

By United Way of King County, on February 14, 2020 | In News

When asked what #SeattleHeart mean to Gordon McHenry, Jr., here’s what our President & CEO had to say:

In a community of hope, there is also love. Making sure people have homes, students graduate, and families are financially stable is our goal; but our foundation first and foremost is love for one another.

The work we do is only possible when we are united through love. It is a powerful feeling that reminds us we all are humans coexisting together, experiencing hardships together and celebrating together.

We are so appreciative of our community for acting on love and supporting the work we do. With love, you’ve helped prevent 816 evictions and 1300 students succeed in school.

With compassion, you’ve helped people experiencing homelessness get back on their feet.

With kindness, you’ve spoken up for those who are marginalize and helped shape a community where people see injustice and stand up for one another.

It’s plain and simple….Seattle has Heart.

We invite you to join us on 2nd & Columbia to take a photo in front of our #SeattleHeart mural year round. You are loved we want to share it. Tag us @unitedwaykc .


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