Visionary Companies Making a Difference
The way you order your coffee (Starbucks), what you buy in bulk (Costco) or the experience you expect when buying a pair of shoes (Nordstrom) – these are all ways local companies have influenced us. Package delivery was changed forever when two teens started a little outfit called United Parcel Service with a $100 loan and The Boeing Company has transformed the way we travel (celebrating 100 years this year!). Microsoft, of course, realized the early dream of ‘a computer in every home’. We are lucky to be surrounded by game-changing companies in the Seattle area – not only in how we do business, but in how we think about philanthropy as a community.
This week, we published our own list of Game Changers – companies that make a difference in thousands of lives right here in our community. The piece ran in Friday’s Puget Sound Business Journal. It’s an impressive group of companies that are making amazing things happen in our community – and certainly includes all of those mentioned above. With their leadership, people are moving off the streets, students are graduating and families are becoming financially stable. Be sure to check it out. Whether it’s T-Mobile helping young people get back on their feet and move off the street or Globys inspiring thousands to volunteer in the community, you’ll want to join in.
The folks at Bank of America are helping low-income people get their taxes done for free and keep more of what they earn – and the Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound are keeping local food bank shelves stocked for people trying to make ends meet. Starbucks and Alaska Airlines are coming together to help people that are homeless – and the team at Xome is inspiring fans at Seahawks games to make a difference.
Thanks for all that these companies to do make the Puget Sound region healthy and a place we’re all proud to call home.