Ethan Stowell, Steve Hooper, Jr., Lead United Way ’20-’21 Campaign
With 2020 being dubbed a dud of a year, a bright light shines at United Way of King County in the form of our 2020-2021 campaign co-chairs: Ethan Stowell and Steve Hooper, Jr.
Teaming up is nothing new to this duo, as they are Ethan Stowell Restaurants founder/CEO and president, respectively. As business partners turned United Way ambassadors, they are sure to cook up a great campaign year.

Meet Ethan Stowell
You probably don’t need much of a refresher. Ethan Stowell has been partnering with United Way of King County and many other local organizations for years. Ethan Stowell and Angela Dunleavy-Stowell, now CEO of FareStart, co-chaired United Way’s 2017-2018 campaign year. Together they took the Reconnecting Youth program and Champions donor group to new heights.
In addition, Ethan has hosted numerous events at his restaurants with the Emerging Leaders 365 group, including one last fall that raised $10,000+ to fight homelessness.
Meet Steve Hooper, Jr.
Pacific Northwest native Steve Hooper, Jr., founded Kigo Asian Kitchen and led it as CEO until its merger with Ethan Stowell Restaurants in 2019. Loves his family, loves the outdoors and loves the restaurant biz—Steve Hooper, Jr., has a passion for people, especially those right here in Seattle-King County.
Keep a watch for this team digging through this crazy year with us. Thank you, Ethan and Steve, for sharing your time with United Way and our great community.