More Food. Less Worry.
At United Way, we believe that everyone deserves to have enough to eat. Whether you’re unable to access your local food bank or can’t afford to stock your pantry right now, our team and resources can help so hunger is the last thing you need to worry about.
Now Serving: Food Programs & Resources

Home Grocery Delivery Program
Join the waitlist to receive free, weekly home delivery of culturally relevant groceries through our community partnerships.
Learn more>>

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Need support buying groceries? You may be eligible for extra money through Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to help put healthy food on the table.
Learn more>>

Free Summer Meals
When school’s out for the summer, you can replace your kids’ free/reduced-priced school meals. Find one of United Way’s 200+ locations across King County for free meals and snacks—and lots of fun—all summer long.
Learn more>>
Home Grocery Delivery Program
United Way of King County is providing free, weekly and biweekly home delivery of groceries in partnership with King County food banks, Cascadia Produce, Amazon and DoorDash.
Due to the high demand for Home Grocery, we are currently asking people to complete the interest form below. Our waitlist is currently closed, but we will reach out via the contact information you provide to get more information when we’re able to start delivering to your home.
If you or your family find yourselves in a situation where buying groceries is a challenge or you’re unable to access food banks, help is on the table.
United Way of King County provides free, weekly and biweekly home grocery delivery in partnership with King County food banks, Cascadia Produce, and DoorDash to over 4,000 households weekly.
We believe that, as a community, we need to reimagine the food system to better serve low-income, Black, Indigenous, and other households of color. You can participate in this program regardless of your citizenship or immigration status. No information about citizenship status is collected during enrollment.
How It Works

1. You fill out an interest form and request for groceries.

2. A box or bag of essential groceries is prepared by a local food bank or food justice agency.

3. A DoorDash or Amazon Flex driver picks up the food and delivers it to your door.
After you sign up, you will join our interest list and we will contact you when space within the program becomes available. You can also reach out to our team at any time with questions or to confirm your status on the waitlist by calling 253.237.2019This link will take you away from or emailing fooddelivery@uwkc.orgThis link will take you away from Translator services are available.
If you need immediate assistance with getting food, please call 2-1-1.
Who is eligible to participate in this program?
To participate in this program, you must:
- Live in King County, Washington
- Be unable to access your local food bank in person
- Be unable to afford groceries
Any person or family who identifies that they meet these criteria is eligible to receive this service, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. No information about citizenship status is collected during enrollment.
How does the program work? Will I get updates about my delivery?
Prior to your first grocery delivery, someone from our team will reach out to confirm your delivery information. We will also confirm the day and approximate time frame that you can expect your groceries each week/every other week depending on provider.
A delivery driver from either DoorDash or Amazon Flex will pick up your groceries from a nearby food bank or food partner and leave them outside your door through a no-contact delivery. If you provide a cell phone number, you will receive text updates when your groceries are delivered to your home.
Additionally our team will send you a reminder 3 business days before your delivery day every week either via email or text.
What grocery items will I receive?
We can provide a preset variety boxes of food packaged by local food banks and food justice agencies. United Way of King County does not select nor package the food. Deliveries can include canned meals, canned fruit and vegetables, pasta and other miscellaneous items. Many deliveries may also include perishable items like bread, milk or produce. Some partners can offer culturally relevant boxes, but this is dependent on resources and the provider in your area.
What if I have dietary restrictions?
If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, please indicate this on the sign-up form. While we cannot currently guarantee that our program can meet every dietary restriction, we make sure to pass along all that information to our partner food banks and other food providers. They will do their best to accommodate your needs, but often struggle with logistical challenges regarding customized orders. We always recommend calling 2-1-1 for additional resources.
What should I do if my groceries don’t arrive?
We do our best to ensure every delivery makes it to you safe and sound, and your delivery driver does too! Occasionally, however, mistakes happen. If you haven’t received your normal delivery, first see if you can locate it nearby. If you live in an apartment, check your hall, lobby, entry or other common areas, and if you live in a house please check that it was not left at your door, driveway or mailbox.
If you still are unable to locate your food after taking these steps, please let us know right away. Call or text 253.237.2019This link will take you away from or email our team at fooddelivery@uwkc.orgThis link will take you away from as soon as possible, to give us the best opportunity to resolve your issue. Please let us know any time you miss a delivery so we can organize a replacement for you.
What should I do if I have a concern about my delivery driver?
Please contact our team by calling or texting 253.237.2019This link will take you away from or emailing fooddelivery@uwkc.orgThis link will take you away from as soon as possible so that we can help resolve your concern.
I want to stop receiving deliveries. How do I opt out?
Call or text our team at 253.237.2019This link will take you away from or email fooddelivery@uwkc.orgThis link will take you away from
I don’t live in King County. Is there a similar program in my community?
While this program is only available to King County residents, food banks and meal programs continue to operate across Washington State. For food resources in your community, call 2-1-1.
Can I skip a delivery, or put the service on pause?
Yes! 3 business days before each delivery you will receive a reminder email or text depending on your preference. You can respond directly to those messages and ask to skip or pause your deliveries. Additionally, you can always call or text us at 253.237.2019 or email us at fooddelivery@uwkc.orgThis link will take you away from
I moved. How can I update my address for deliveries?
Call or text us at 253.237.2019 or email us at fooddelivery@uwkc.orgThis link will take you away from with your new delivery information. If you’re still within your food bank or food provider’s service area, you’ll be all set. If you have moved out of range, but are still in King County, we will connect you with a new provider. If you have moved out of King County, we will stop deliveries to your old address and opt out your account. Additionally, we’ll do our best to refer you to resources in your new area.
I’m a Dasher, what do I need to know?
Thank you for completing Project DASH deliveries! Your work is ensuring that families in our community always have food on the table.
Please ensure that you carefully read and follow all delivery instructions—groceries should not be left outside of apartment buildings or on the street.
If you would like to complete more Project DASH deliveries, please see our distribution schedule hereThis link will take you away from
If you need to report an issue with an address on your delivery route, please contact us at dashers@uwkc.orgThis link will take you away from or 253-237-4334.
United Way of King County also reserves the right to prefer and block dashers from our deliveries based on client ratings. Learn more about our policies and guidelines here.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
You can get monthly benefits (up to $939/month for a family of four) to buy food through Basic Food, also known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). How does it work? Every month, Basic Food Dollars are loaded onto an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card which is accepted across grocery stores, online, and at many farmers’ markets.
Apply for SNAP
Whatever your need or circumstance, there are many ways you can apply for SNAP.

Households with Children
Have children in your household? Some quick notes for you: Children in families with SNAP are automatically enrolled in free school meals, no application required! Infants and toddlers in households with Basic Food may also be eligible for the Women Infants and Children (WIC) programThis link will take you away from And mixed-immigration-status households can ALWAYS apply on behalf of eligible children. Call 1-888-4FoodWAThis link will take you away from to apply.
Family Food Hotline
Call the Family Food Hotline if you live in a household with children (including households with mixed immigration status) and would like assistance applying. Language services are available.

Community & Technical College Students
Community and technical college students with SNAP also qualify for the Basic Food and Employment Training (BFET)This link will take you away from program, an education and work training program that can help with childcare subsidies, books, tuition assistance, and additional scholarships.
Benefits Hub
Are you a community or technical college student in King County? Visit the Benefits Hub website to schedule an online appointment. They can help you apply for SNAP.
All universities and colleges in Washington now offer Benefits Navigator services. Contact information for each school can be found from the Washington Student Achievement Council hereThis link will take you away from

Apply on Your Own
Don’t need assistance but want to apply for SNAP on your own? Head to the Washington Connection site to get started.
Who is eligible for SNAP?
Families and individuals who…
- work OR are unemployed
- go to school OR have school aged-children
- are citizens OR have a mixed-immigration status household
…can all qualify for Basic Food benefits.
Household size, gross income (pretax income), as well as some expenses like housing, utilities, and medical expenses determine Basic Food eligibility. See gross income guidelines for more information:
Family Size | Gross Monthly Income |
1 person | $2,608 |
2 | $3,525 |
3 | $4,441 |
4 | $5,358 |
5 | $6,274 |
6 | $7,191 |
10+ | $916 each |
What do I need to apply?
Before applying for Basic Food, here is what you will need:
- Your income information from the last 30 days.
- Names, ages and income information for every adult in your household with whom you buy, prepare or share food.
- Your household’s expenses (heating and cooling costs, child support, rent or mortgage).
What should I do after applying?
After you apply for SNAP, you will need to call the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to complete a SNAP interview. You can call DSHS at 877-501-2233This link will take you away from Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except on state holidays.
You must do this within 30 days of your application. DSHS will not call you.
We recommend you call early in the morning.
Can I estimate how much my SNAP benefits will be?
Yes, you can estimate your (non-maximum) benefits at the DSHS benefit estimator site, here: link will take you away from
How can I help others access SNAP?
Download flyers to share here: SNAP You can share information through social mediaThis link will take you away from as well.
Does receiving SNAP impact my immigration status?
No it’s not considered as part of the public charge rule and does not impact your immigration status. Click here to learn moreThis link will take you away from
Free Summer Meals

United Way of King County dishes out tasty and nutritious, free summer meals for kids and teens aged 18 and under at places where your family lives, learns, and plays—including schools, parks, community centers, and faith-based organizations.
We lead the statewide Free Summer Meals Program in partnership with our state education agency, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Together, we’re working to make access to healthy food as quick and easy as possible:
- No fee, sign-up, or proof of identity or legal status is required.
- Many sites also offer fun activities that help kids stay active and engaged when school is out.
- Federal program rules have changed. At most sites, kids and teens need to be present to receive a meal and meals need to be eaten on-site. Some sites in rural areas offer Meals-to-Go, which can be taken off-site and eaten at home.
Sites in the map below are updated throughout the year based on whether they are currently operating, so don’t worry if the map looks empty in the winter. Check back next summer to find a site in your neighborhood.
Enter your address in the map below to find a meals sites near you.
Money for Groceries
SUN Bucks are coming to Washington! Also known as Summer EBT, SUN Bucks is a new federal program to support families during the summer.
Eligible families will receive $120 in food benefits for each eligible child. Similar to SNAP (Basic Food), SUN Bucks are loaded onto a debit-style EBT card and can be used to buy food at places like grocery stores, farmers markets, and corner stores.
SUN Bucks works alongside the Free Summer Meals program. Your family can receive both SUN Bucks and Free Summer Meals – you don’t need to choose just one.
Eligibility for SUN Bucks is based on household income or participation in other public assistance programs like SNAP and TANF. Most eligible families will automatically receive a SUN Bucks card in the mail, but some families will need to apply for benefits.
Use the screening toolThis link will take you away from to see if your child is eligible for SUN Bucks.
Additional Food Resources
Everyone deserves to have enough to eat. And we’re working with community agencies to fight hunger. Click below to check out helpful information, resources, and other free, confidential community services.