
Our neighbors are doing all they can…

to keep a roof over their heads and to put food on the table. With the federal support from the pandemic era ending, the crises of hunger and homelessness have worsened.

With Our Neighbor Fund, we’re stepping up once again to serve our neighbors struggling to make ends meet. But we cannot do it without you.

Your gift will help us meet our neighbors’ greatest needs like feeding families and keeping them in their homes. Thank you for joining the movement and doing your part to make a difference in our community.

Thanks for joining the movement! 

Other Ways to Give


Own stock, mutual funds, or have stock options available through your employer? Make a great gift with greater impact while enjoying a double tax advantage when you give to United Way via stock.

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Donor Advised Fund

Requesting a grant from your Donor Advised Fund as a gift to United Way is a simple, straight-forward, and tax-efficient process.

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IRA Charitable Rollover

Give from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) through a Qualified Charitable Distribution. A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a tax-efficient way for those 70 ½ or older to donate from their IRA, while also counting towards your annual Required Minimum Distribution.

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Man working at a home computer wearing a hat and holding a cat.


By donating appreciated crypto to United Way, you can avoid taxes and maximize impact, especially for those with substantial gains. Holding crypto for over a year may lead to federal tax deductions up to the full gift value.

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Legacy Giving

Interested in powering the impact of United Way into the future? Leaving a legacy gift to United Way can easily be added to your will, living trust, or to a retirement account as a beneficiary in as little as one sentence.

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Your corporate gift to United Way is a powerful investment in the community where you and your employees work, live, and raise families.

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For any questions, please contact Jennifer Trice at (206) 461-3245 or for more information.

United Way of King County is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation. On average, 95 cents of every dollar donated goes to meet community needs.