Eat, Drink & Be Generous Off to a Strong Start
Cookies & Cocktails with Hello Robin and Marjorie this week was the third of three sold-out Eat, Drink & Be Generous events so far this year.
We’re partnering with local chefs to bring you a fun, delicious lineup of virtual get-togethers built around community.
Whether you wanted to talk about hoops with P.J. Carlesimo and Ethan Stowell, brewing beer with Métier Brewery or cocktails with Donna Moodie, there was something for everyone. Guests received hand-packed meal kits, an entertaining program—and a chance to dive deep on a community issue.
Because of generous corporate sponsors like Microsoft, Ben Bridge Jewelers, Washington Holdings and Accenture—local restaurants get the support they deserve in this tough time and dollars donated at the events go directly to community.
These virtual events have been a great way to introduce my network to all the good work that United Way does. The Métier Brewery tour was great – supporting the only Black-owned brewery in Washington state and raising money for people struggling in this economic crisis.
Erick Arteaga, Retail Operations Coordinator at REI and Emerging Leaders 365 donor
Pre-pandemic, this event was on one night at the Paramount Theatre. For obvious reasons, we’ve moved to all virtual events—and expanded our chef/restaurateur partner list to include dozens of local businesses, particularly BIPOC-owned. The result has been an incredible variety – and impressive generosity. Dozens of young professionals have stepped up to become Emerging Leader 365 donors and the Change Maker giving community continues to grow.
This is such a wonderful way to come together and learn about United Way’s efforts. For my wife and me, it was a particularly meaningful evening as we were able to host a virtual pre-function for some of our dearest friends before the event with Ethan Stowell and P.J. Carlesimo started. It was great to connect – and the group was quite generous during the event!
Brian Carter, CEO at Integrus Architecture and United Way Change Maker
Anyone who becomes a Change Maker or an Emerging Leader 365 donor at an event through June 30 has a chance at two first-class, round-trip ticketsThis link will take you away from on Alaska Airlines. All the more reason to buy your tickets now!
This series of virtual events is centered around good food and raising money to support those most impacted. At United Way, we see the results of systemic racism in the disproportionality affecting persons of color during this crisis—in areas such as homelessness, food insecurity, graduation rates, income inequality.
These events support the Community Relief Fund, helping people stay in their homes, keep food on the table and reach financial stability.
If you have a suggestion of a chef partner or type of event you’d like to see—or are interested in hosting a team-building event like Google, DocuSign and Accenture have done—please email mheaton@uwkc.orgThis link will take you away from for more info.
Pizza & Beer with Chef Ethan Stowell and Métier Brewery: March 24
Wine tasting and appetizers with Frichette Winery and Marjorie, May 8