Check Out These Events, Happenings From Our Community Partners
Is it spring already? It sure is, and that means it’s a good time to check out United Way of King County partners’ upcoming events, happenings, and activities.
United Way has forged partnerships with local organizations of color to create coalitions that share best practices and work together to tackle issues in the communities that they know best, their own. We then provided the groups with no-strings-attached funding to use as they see fit to address concerns.
The Black Community Building Collective, the Indigenous Communities Fund, and the Racial Equity Coalition work to combat structural and institutional racism and reduce inequities so we can build an equitable future—together.
These communities host or take part in many events that you should know about. Here are just a few:
Baseball Beyond Borders (Black Community Building Collective) invites everyone to come out to Vibe Bingo, a nouveau twist on a popular board game. The event will be held on March 23 at Victory Hall at The Boxyard and combines music, shopping, and of course, bingo. Proceeds from the event will benefit Baseball Beyond Borders. For more information, click here.
Duwamish Tribal Services (Indigenous Communities Fund) invites everyone to the Princess Angeline Sovereign Tea Social on March 23 at the Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center. The event honors one of the daughters of Chief Sealth and will include an update on the Duwamish Tribe’s longstanding Office of Federal Acknowledgment case. For more information, click here.
Powerful Voices (Racial Equity Coalition) is hiring for its Powerful Voices Radio podcast, which is led by girls and gender-expansive youth of color who create and produce content relevant to them and their communities. Powerful Voices Radio requires no experience necessary and is a 14-week paid commitment from April 23 to August 1. The application deadline is March 31. For more information, click here.

Chief Seattle Club (Indigenous Communities Fund) invites everyone to its grand opening of Sacred Medicine House in Lake City. Sacred Medicine House is 120 units of permanent, supportive, Indigenous-informed housing for people experiencing homelessness—with a focus on urban Native and Indigenous community members. It is Chief Seattle Club’s largest project to date. The grand opening is April 12 at Sacred Medicine House. For more information, click here.
FEEST Seattle (Racial Equity Coalition) is hiring for two youth organizers. Primary responsibilities for the role include training students to organize, build power, and win policy changes in their school district. The job is full-time hybrid (mostly in person) with a salary of $70,000 and room to grow. For more information, click here.
Rainier Beach Action Coalition (Black Community Building Collective) is inviting everyone to a kickoff and public meeting for Recreating Henderson Street, a street design effort for and by the Rainier Beach community that will create a vision and improvement plan for South Henderson St. The event is March 23 at the Rainier Beach Community Center. The initiative’s goal is to create a safe and vibrant cultural corridor that represents the diversity of Rainier Beach. The public meeting will engage community, businesses, and property owners in the street design process. For more information, click here.