Emerging Leaders 365


Your Year of Impact Starts Now.

Each month, Emerging Leaders 365 comes together to roll up their sleeves at volunteer projects, connect with local leaders who care about giving back, and build connections at issue-focused events. Sign up for the newsletter to get involved today.

If you give $1/day, you become an Emerging Leaders 365 donor with access to exclusive events and other exciting opportunities.

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Networking Events

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Volunteer Events

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Maurice Roper headshot

“I’ve been connected to the United Way in some capacity throughout my entire professional career and didn’t want to miss an opportunity to give back even more. I’m relatively new to Seattle, but I’m excited to learn about and contribute to the community on a deeper level through Emerging Leaders 365!”

—Maurice Roper | Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Iris Oppong

“It’s always great to give back. My philosophy is that you give when you have abundance, and it comes back to you three to four times over.”

—Iris Oppong | Ardour Sisterz

“I became an Emerging Leader 365 donor because I love the King County area, and decided I wanted to give something back to it. Knowing I’m having a positive impact on our community, even in a small way, is really satisfying.”

—Kae Hondorp | Google

Kiki Roper in an office

“I chose to be a part of United Way of King County because I wanted to be in the community putting in the work and seeing the change I so wish to see in society. Working toward a socially just community where everyone can be seen, heard, and respected is the type of organization I’m proud to be a leader in.”

—Kiki Roper | Windermere

“Working in the ER with society’s most vulnerable communities has allowed me to recognize that a person’s health goes beyond a simple patient visit. I’m thankful to be involved with an organization that addresses the socioeconomic factors of the quality of healthcare someone receives.”

—Cristina Luevano Santos | ScribeAmerica

“I became an Emerging Leader 365 donor because United Way has a huge impact on our community. Due to the size and scale of their programs… my donation dollars go further towards improving the conditions of Homelessness, Financial Stability, and Education.”

—Albert Cheng | Convoy

“I became an Emerging Leaders 365 donor because I wanted to be part of a community of diverse, caring individuals that wanted to empower each other to make Seattle a better place for all humans. When I joined I instantly felt connected and I highly recommend the program and its initiatives.”

—Jon Hermes | PwC

Check out who is behind the scenes!

2,700 volunteer hours served at over 100 events in a single year

6,000 families receiving culturally appropriate meals each week

7,000 households avoiding eviction in a single year

561,218 meals served to children in our community

Our giving communities understand the power of working together to find solutions. Belonging to one of them multiplies the collective impact that United Way has on our community. Find a group that’s right for you and start showing up to network with community leaders, fundraise for an equitable future, and level up your impact.

Change Makers

Passionate about improving the community so everyone can thrive? Join United Way’s network of over a 1,000 impact-makers—like you—who are committed to just that!



United Way Champions join forces with forward-thinking leaders to give $10,000 or more to have a lasting impact on our community.


Alaska Airlines

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